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Lone Tree, Iowa is a small cozy community in the southeast corner of Johnson County, located just off Highway 22, in Fremont Township. It has a quiet, small town feel, but is just a short distance from the big city conveniences.



Lone Tree Fire & Rescue/First Responders 911

The Lone Tree FR is an all volunteer dept. We currently have 28 volunteer members who are trained as firefighters, first responders, and EMTs. Organized in 1907, Lone Tree FR serves the town of Lone Tree, Iowa and the surrounding rural townships of Lincoln, Freemont, and Pleasant Valley, in Johnson County. We are members of the Johnson Co. Mutual Aid Association providing aid to all Johnson County depts. including Iowa City, Hills, and Coralville.

We are a combined Fire and EMS service operating at an EMT-B level. All members are certified in Haz-Mat operations. Some also have certifications in Firefighter I, II, EMT-I, Confined Space Rescue, and Rescue Technician (which includes, high-angle, water, and vehicle extrication.) The Dept. is now fully NIMS FY2006 compliant and working toward the 2007 requirements. LTFR is also contracted with the Duane Arnold Energy Center near Cedar Rapids, IA to provide personnel to relocation centers in Iowa City as Radiation Monitors in the event that evacuation is needed during an incident.

Our meetings are held on the 1st Tuesdays of the month for Fire, and the 4th Tuesdays for EMS. Each meeting consists of a training topic, and a business meeting. Other training sessions are scheduled as needed and all members are free to enroll in various courses offered around the state.

If you have any group or organization that would like a tour of the fire station, or a presentation about emergency medical/fire/safety issues, feel free to contact any member, call the station, send email to kmander@iowatelecom.net, or if you see us at the station drop by and say “hi,” we’re always happy to have visitors.

Check out our website for current news and events at www.freewebs.com/lonetreefd/


.:Engine 91:.