Lone Tree, Iowa is a small cozy community in the southeast corner of Johnson County, located just off Highway 22, in Fremont Township. It has a quiet, small town feel, but is just a short distance from the big city conveniences.




123 North Devoe Street 319.629.4615

Lone Tree Cemetery, that little patch of green on the knoll just north of town, has been the scene of many sorrows; but it has been kept trim and green in memory of those loved ones who have passed on. It is a beautiful spot and peaceful – aloof from the town as it is. Originally, it was the burial ground for the family of George Amlong, but in 1875, J.W. Jayne and H.D. Jayne bought one acre and in May, 1876, completed a cemetery organization by a stock company which paid for the land and the initial improvement in laying out the cemetery. When this was completed, the lots were sold and the proceeds devoted to its improvements and ornamentation.

For several years, access to the cemetery was by means of a board walk, funds for which were raised thru a public appeal made by the Reporter editor of the time. This improvement sufficed until cement walks were laid when another public subscription was raised thru the Reporter columns to build a walk for all time to the cemetery from the town. Work was started on this project in 1908. The town spent considerable money in preparing a suitable grade for the new walk and the money realized from a generous public subscription was used in the construction and materials. Sand was hauled and donated by citizens owning wagons and many gave their time and labor to help the good cause. The total cost of the walk was $1,000.

In November, 1955, the town purchased 150 feet of ground along the east side of the cemetery. The cemetery was then laid out so that the area north of the south driveway will continue to be the older conventional style cemetery with stones and monuments that stand above the grounds. All area south of the south driveway will be a memorial type cemetery with ground level stones and markers being used.

A very impressive and dramatic sight in the cemetery is presented when the local American Legion, John L. Mumm Post #457 displays the “Avenue of Flags.” The flags from the burial of each of the local service men who have died is placed on a staff lining each side of the drive through the cemetery. Approximately eighty flags are displayed. The ceremony is conducted at each Decoration Day and the Fourth of July.


Lone Tree Cemetery Regulations

Internment Order Form

Burial Pricing

Monument Permit