Lone Tree, Iowa is a small cozy community in the southeast corner of Johnson County, located just off Highway 22, in Fremont Township. It has a quiet, small town feel, but is just a short distance from the big city conveniences.




Here you can find local utilities and contact information in one convenient location. If you are planning on becoming a resident of Lone Tree, we welcome you and hope you find this information useful.


The information below is supplied as a service to residents and potential new residents.

The City of Lone Tree is in no way affiliated with utilities other than water and sewer.

Cable Television Service
Gas & Electric
Local Telephone & Internet Service
Locate Underground Utilities
Post Office
Recycling & Refuse Collection

Water & Sanitary Sewer Utility

Yardwaste pickup


Cable Television Service                                   back to top





Gas & Electric                                                   back to top

Alliant Energy

24 Hr Customer Service/Billing/Emergency Service




Local Telephone Service                                     back to top

411 Directory Assistance

511 Trafic Information

611 Customer Service




Locate Underground Utilities                                 back to top

Iowa One Call




Post Office                                                          back to top

United States Post Office

104 North Devoe Street



Recycling & Refuse Collection                                 back to top

Johnson County Refuse, Inc.

PO Box 200

North Liberty, IA 52317

1.319.665.4498 Business



Water & Sanitary Sewer Utility                                back to top

Readings are taken every January, March, May, July, September, and November.

Statements are mailed between the 5th and the 15th of the month.

The bills are approximately due 20 days after bills are sent. Due date noted on each bill.

Any account with payments not made by the noted due date will have a 10% late fee added to their next bill. Should you receive a disconnect notice and do not pay by the date on the notice there will be a $50.00 reconnection fee. There is a drop box provided at City Hall for utility payments and correspondence.